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The Reality of Inflation: We’re here to help

by Holly T.

June 14, 2022


Things are tough at the moment with rising costs on what seems like everything.

UK inflation rates have risen at their fastest in 40 years, reaching 9%. Many people are having to choose between what they save and spend on. Some of these areas include saving on showers, petrol and food. Some are even being forced to take action in these areas to pay bills:

  • Having fewer baths and showers.
  • Cutting down on children’s activities.
  • Giving up their children’s fish as the tank is using too much electricity.
  • Saying no when their children want a chocolate bar.
  • Getting food from the Food Waste Project to make sure they can provide vegetables for their children.

These are among the multiple areas that people are cutting down on. We want to help where we can.

At GreenJinn, we have always made sure we provide extra coupons ourselves, on products like fruit and vegetables to allow all of you to have a whole shop and get essentials at a discount 🥑🍎

We’re increasing the amount of these extra offers on essential items to help us all, without having to spend more on grocery shopping.

We heard you guys when you asked for more offers in ASDA and Morrisons and we have made sure we have more fruit and vegetable essentials in these retailers nationwide.

Please remember, if you are fortunate enough to do so, you can also donate your items to food banks such as The Felix Project (@thefelixproject) to help those most vulnerable 💪

Read more from our CFO about what we’ll be doing here at GreenJinn in our feature with TechRound.